

From Hopelessness to a Life of Purpose (Migaro’s story)

Migaro struggled with addictions, and despair, neglecting his family and leaving his children hungry.

Now he’s on a new path, thanks to UCSS.

He stopped brewing alcohol and began to grow crops and raise lifestock. He found hope and a purpose in life and he’s spreading a message of hope in the community.

In a village that had nothing, the situation is improving with clean water, medical care and schools for the children.

UCSS’ mission is to provide hope to Uganda, one village-at-a-time by sharing the love of Jesus Christ who transforms lives. UCSS is establishing self-sufficient communities that will thrive for years to come.

Watch this short video to hear Migaro’s story and how UCSS made a difference in his life and that of his family and community. Then share the video with your friends!

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Dr. Ronald Kaluya