Greetings from Uganda,
The time is late, my friend, and I wanted to share this scripture with you from 2 John 1:12 which says:
“Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink (or email). Instead, I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete.”
And come to you, I shall! Please note the updated schedule:
TEXAS: September 18th – 24th
MISSOURI & KANSAS: September 24th – 30th
TEXAS (September 30th – October 2nd (filled))
VIRGINIA: October 2nd – 9th
FALL VISION SUMMIT (Streaming Live from VA): October 8th Get your tickets now – click here
KENTUCKY: October 9th – 24th
The laughter you hear from these children in the accompanying video as they drink and play in fresh clean water is the sound of hope that, when I first came to the village of Bulike, could not be found. This well is one of nearly 90 working wells in our communities, and from these wells spring life, both physical and spiritual.
Now, waterborne diseases no longer claim lives every day because clean water is available. Now, fields are no longer overgrown with weeds, but irrigated crops are growing instead. Now, souls must no longer remain dry and barren, because the true water of life is drawn around these wells through regular Bible studies. But, there’s still so much to do!
This is why I’m coming to the United States: to thank as many of you as I can and to share this miracle of transformation made possible by the love of God shed abroad in your hearts, shared with thousands on the other side of the globe, and all for the glory of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Again, praise God!
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So, I’m coming! Help spread the news and let’s celebrate the story being written by the lives being saved because of the kindness of God’s people – friends like you – who know the time is late and the workers are few. Sign up to watch or host our live broadcast on October 8th (a replay will also be available). Then sign up to get together with me when I’m in your area. Invite your friends or let’s talk over coffee. God’s will be done.
Let’s Talk Soon,
Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling and Support Services