

Do You Know What Time It Is?

I want you to see the transformation you have helped make possible when we go on a Journey of Hope

As I sit down to write to you today, it seems as if I’d only just written a few days ago, when, in fact, it was over a week ago! So much is happening every day here in Uganda, plus I’m also planning to be in the States in two weeks; time truly is flying by.

We often say here, as I’m sure you do as well, how will we get it all done? What looks like impossible tasks – projects that seem to be taking too long, things breaking causing processes to halt; children discouraged because of time lost during lockdowns wondering how they will ever catch up! In light of all this, a scripture comes to my mind from 2 Peter 3:8-9 which says, 

“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

Friends, we must remember this from the above scripture: God is not limited by time. He’s given us a job to do, and we will be patient as He is patient, for neither are we willing for families here to perish. Therefore, we will continue to spread God’s love while addressing the needs of marginalized communities and equipping them for holistic, sustainable transformation and development.

One way we are doing this is through our Education Ministry. The following is an account of an intervention made possible because UCSS friends continue to make life-saving donations to this ministry:

Rosemary Kwagala, one of our Primary 7 students, had developed lumps in both of her breasts. She was ignored by her parents, and every day her pain increased causing her to often miss class. Through our health plan for families of children with chronic illness, and with frequent counseling with the parents, she was operated on at Jinja Referral Hospital. Rosemary is now healed and back in her Primary 7 class.

Bulike Christian Community Primary School

Our children are our future, and in the midst of all the projects and travel, it is also Student Sponsor September, and we are determined to see 30 students sponsored in these 30 days of September. We are only 1/4 the way to our goal, so if you’ve ever thought about being a part of our Student/Education Ministry, today is the day. We encounter stories like that of Rosemary every day, children left with no hope and no one to help. UCSS friends make it possible for us to save and transform the youth here in Uganda.

So, thank you for being here! Thank you for standing with UCSS as we continue this Journey of Hope here in rural Eastern Uganda. As a matter of fact, I want you to be with me on October 13th at 6:00 PM CDT as I stream live during our Journey of Hope Vision Banquet. I want you to see the transformation that you have made possible, a transformation that is still taking place. Furthermore, if it’s God’s will, let’s get together in person while I’m in the U.S. [click here to schedule a meeting

May the God of all peace give you wisdom as you abound in His saving grace.