
Economic Development Fresh Water General Updates

Compressor release


What is white, bigger than a breadbox, and causes men, women, boys, and girls from the villages of Bulike and Buluya to come out and see?

It is the much anticipated, long-awaited compressor that will enable us to dig our own wells at a greatly reduced cost. Without it, overuse of the current wells would continue, and the strain on them would be too much. Now, I am happy to share with you that we have 21 fresh-water wells, greatly reducing not only the strain on the wells, but also the distance many have to walk and the time they have to wait to get water for their families.
I also wanted to share with you the impact you are helping us make beyond Bulike & Buluya. Good news travels. The government has taken notice of the true, positive difference UCSS is making; three districts wrote on our behalf, the government is working with us. Only God’s favor can make this happen. Truly, He is building this house, and you are helping with your prayers and support.

In closing, you are making an eternal difference. Greater than the fresh water you are helping provide is the very water of life flowing from the Father’s throne that is now being shared with those who had never heard. This is the fruit of your giving, the fruit of your prayers, the fruit of investing with UCSS.

If God is moving you to support this ministry, there are three things you can do now:

Thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Dr. Ronald Kaluya