

Christ has truly set us free

“So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free.”
Malachi 4:6
Dear Friends,
On behalf of all the families here in Bulike, Buluya, and Nakalama, we wish you a Happy Independence Day in America! From our heart, we thank you for sharing the blessings of this freedom with UCSS.
Dr. Ronald Kaluya
Founder/Executive Director:
Uganda Counseling & Support Services
UCSS Lifers enable us to apply their kind donations to the ministry department where they are needed most at any given time.
Counseling Ministry Sponsors enable trained UCSS Mental Health Facilitators to go into the villages and “minister” to families whose lives have been shattered by generations of abuse, poverty, and hopelessness.
Women’s Empowerment/Economic Development Ministry Sponsors enable UCSS to train workers and provide supplies and support for this self-sustaining way forward for the people of Eastern Uganda.
Evangelism Ministry Sponsors enable funds to be available for what the churches, pastors, and teachers need to take this gospel to the highways and byways of Bulike, Buluya, and beyond.
Agriculture Ministry Sponsors enable our farms to have funds available for needed fertilization, seeds, and equipment/repairs to daily operate as needed.
Medical Ministry Sponsors enable our doctors and nurses to order supplies and medicine as needed AND be paid for their life-giving services.
Education Ministry Sponsors enable our teachers to have chalk, paper, pencils, curriculum, and lab equipment to run their classroom efficiently AND receive pay for their dedicated work with our students.
Water Ministry Sponsors enable well-techs to have the gasoline and tools to get to the site, to be trained, and to be paid a fair wage for their labor.