
Education Uncategorized

Bearing Fruit That Remains


Bearing fruit, while referencing the topic of our highlighted video – fruit trees – is also a reference to the scripture where Jesus tells us that we are to go and bear fruit that remains; in other words, let our lives make a lasting difference on this earth, and eternal difference. That is what you are doing when you give monthly to UCSS. What you see here is truly, life-changing, long lasting fruit.

The changes remain because UCSS is teaching the people how to be self-sufficient, how to work with their hands, how to plant fruit trees that bear good fruit; we are not simply giving the people food but are training them how to produce their own food so that they will be able to feed their families indefinitely. This work, this training that you are helping provide to the families of Bulike and Buluya with your giving is changing their lives; it is giving hope that shows on their faces because they know they can make it now. This would not be possible without you.

As you watch this video and see the difference something as simple as how far to space seeds when planting can make, I hope that you realize the huge difference our donors, our partners, our friends – you- are playing in this Kingdom building mission that is, Uganda Counseling and Support Services. It is the difference between life and death, both physically and spiritually.

I am reaching out to you today from my heart during these hard summer months when giving has slowed down. And, from my heart I’m appealing to you for help. The need, friends, has not slowed down. If you have been thinking about giving, now is the time. If you been giving, consider becoming a monthly donor, a UCSS Lifer. Please pray about giving to the Bulike/Buluya General Fund today. Help us keep helping those who, without UCSS, would have no help at all.

Your fellow worker in Christ,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya Founder/Executive Director: Uganda Counseling and Support Services

Save Summer, 2019