
What do a Motorcycle and a Piece of Paper Have in Common?
COVID-19 Response Education

What do a Motorcycle and a Piece of Paper Have in Common?

Back to school has a new meaning here in Bulike & Buluya & we need your help.

Who thought going into the highways and hedges would also be done in the name of education?

We are amazed daily at God’s mighty hand at work in the midst of these difficult times. Our schools are closed, commerce has slowed down making it hard for those in the villages, and a return to normal is not in sight; however, because of the progress you have made possible, we have been able to survive and encourage the families to whom you help us minister. I’m humbled daily by the generosity of God’s people.

It is with this same humility that I come to you today to share some urgent educational needs we are facing. -Dr. Ronald

Teachers at Liberty Community High School distribute materials to students and parents in rural Uganda

Until schools open again, our teachers and administrators work tirelessly, daily walking miles to reach the children with lessons, to review their work, and to encourage the families not to quit. The temptation to do so, for them, is immense. We recognize that, if they stop their education, their future is instantly changed as the girls will see marrying as their only way out, and our young men will fall into idle temptations. We can’t let this happen.

There are two ways we can prevent this:

  • Get lessons into the hands of the students who have no access to distance learning
  • Help our teachers get to the remote areas where many of our students live
A teacher sits outside at Liberty Community High School in rural Eastern Uganda distribute learning materials to the students who are learning from home due to COVID-19

As I have mentioned before, copying is very expensive which limits what we can give to the children; likewise, our teachers can only walk so many miles each day. Both of these are preventing us from doing what needs to be done for the students.

There are two ways we can fix this:

  • Purchase our own industrial copier for $7000 (we have researched and found this to be the best)
  • Purchase five motorbikes for between $1200-$1500 (2 for high school & 3 for primary)

Savings to the ministry with the purchase of this copier will go beyond this pandemic and will greatly benefit every department going forward. Likewise for the motorbikes: while saving education now, the difference these will make to overall ministry going forward is immeasurable.