Bringing Hope to Uganda
At UCSS we are developing communities in Eastern Uganda by providing necessary social services, counseling and spiritual development – one community at a time. UCSS is using a holistic approach that addresses clean water, medical care, education, economic training and development, and teaching life skills through counseling and spiritual development.
UCSS’s chose to start its ministry in the region of Bulike because its 48,000 residents have nothing, no clean water, medical care, schools, electricity or sewage system. The goal is to help each community become self-sufficient to the point where outside resources are no longer necessary. People will enjoy a higher quality of life and over time will become more tolerant and caring. The vision is to replicate this model from one community to another using a “train the trainer” approach so that over time all of Uganda is transformed.
UCSS: Changing Lives. Changing Eternities.
Dr. Ronald grew up in the village of Wakitaka, and every day they experienced a lot of suffering: people had no medication; there was not enough to eat, and everyone walked on bare feet. As he talked to his mom about the situation she said, “Son, what you are seeing here is not suffering. Wait until you see where I grew up.”
As a teenager, he went for burial in Bulike and came face to face with true suffering. The people there had nothing: no fresh water to drink, no medication to treat their diseases, no opportunity to send their children to school, and they did not have anything to do economically. When they wanted water to drink, they walked miles to fetch dirty water from a pond shared with the animals. If their child was sick, they could not get medication to treat their child, even when treatment would cost less than ten dollars. Most impactful of all is they had no exposure to the love of God.
This experience would never leave his heart, and he carried it with him everywhere he went. In 2011, Dr. Ronald finished studies in America and founded a nonprofit called Uganda Counseling and Support Services whose mission is to improve lives and spread God’s love to people in remote communities by meeting spiritual, emotional, and basic physical needs.
Through the efforts of UCSS, people are being introduced to the love of Christ. We are seeing people light up with smiles and become involved in their communities. The people of Bulike have gone from having nothing to do with their lives and living in despair, to living lives of hope in which they can take care of themselves.
Our goal is to continue to improve the quality of life one community at a time by providing education for the children, clean water for the community, teaching people to produce crops, and giving them opportunities to become self-supported, all the while evangelizing and making disciples and true leaders that will continue to spread hope and the love of God in the communities.

Our Founder
Dr. Ronald Kaluya was an accountant in Uganda with a big vision to help his people. He felt that a graduate degree from the United States would help his mission. Lindsey Wilson College in Columbia KY paid for Ronnie to study there, and he graduated with a double Masters degree in ministry and counseling. He created UCSS and assembled an impressive board, including Dr. John Begley (former President of the College) as the board chair, several ministers and businessmen. After raising $120,000, Ronnie was able to return to Uganda to start his ministry in January 2011.
Celebrating More Thank a Decade of Development!
Our holistic methods of community transformation help support the community on their way to self-sufficiency and fulfillment.
Read more in our semi-annual progress report to see these visible results in rural Uganda.