
A Reason to Believe…

A Reason to Believe…

Dear Friends,

It’s what we do. The idleness that littered the villages of and around Bulike and Buluya in the past, has been replaced with hope and life. It just took the vision of the Lord and His people, like you, willing to invest in transforming Uganda one village at a time. Thank You!

Here’s a view of what you are making possible on a daily basis!

UCSS Missional Teams take the gospel to neighboring villages. Hearts are hungry for truth! Jesus is saving people every day!

UCSS students taking responsibility for their future. It is a learned behavior. This is our future generation!

There will never be enough words or ways to express the gratitude we have for the work you are making possible. We go into the summer months hopeful and encouraged knowing that you are here. Please continue to pray for every ministry of UCSS. May God’s best be yours.



Founder/Executive Director:

Uganda Counseling and Support Services