
A New Year’s Journey with You
Evangelism FUTURE General Updates

A New Year’s Journey with You

Dear Friends,

Would you make an appointment to go off on a long journey with a group of strangers? Would you share your life and resources with a group you know nothing about?
No. The trip would be uncomfortable at best, and what if it turned out that they held opposite beliefs in everything that you hold dear. That is why God advises in Amos 3: Can two walk together unless they agree?

A closer look at that scripture reveals that it actually means “Can two walk together unless they agree to meet?” Though, we rarely hear it preached this way, it changes the context significantly. There first has to be an agreement to meet up before the journey can begin.

As you listen to Pastor Nathan Wamwase discuss his journey, you will see that UCSS agreed to meet him and thousands of others like him who want off the path of darkness and hopelessness. UCSS has agreed to meet the families where they are and to love them as they are, just as Christ agreed, at the appointed time, to meet us on the cross while we were still in our sin.

Friends, as we journey into 2019, will you meet us with your partnership? Will you meet us in prayer for safety and favor? Will you meet us in volunteering where you are to share the vision of UCSS? There is no “us” without “you”.
God has chosen UCSS for this time. The past progress is all to the praise of His name through your giving and love. The future progress is in His hands and your hearts.

I’m excited about the new year, and I hope to hear from you soon. Let’s make plans early to get together during my next visit in April. Until then, let’s rejoice with Pastor Nathan and all those whose lives have been, and are being, transformed by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, made possible by the kindness of friends like you.

Your Brother and Fellow-worker in Christ


Dr. Ronald Kaluya

Founder/Director: Uganda Counseling and Support Systems