

Ronah shares how UCSS schools provide more than “reading, writing, & arithmetic”

Dear Friends,

As school begins in the States, we are wrapping up our second term here in Bulike and Buluya with end of term testing. I wanted to share with you an interesting contrast. Instead of excitedly rushing home for their two-week break, most of our students are actually wanting to remain at school, and this scripture was on my heart as I thought about sharing this update

“He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”(Psalm 91:4)

Home often means a dangerous journey of one to five miles; it often means not being able to return on time for the next term (or not at all) for various reasons. Home often means a place where the love of Jesus has not yet changed things, and there is a tangible difference in the atmosphere.

It is because of our holistic approach to ministry that the children have a sense of security within the reach of UCSS: a covering, a protection, and a safe place of shelter. As they learn to read and write, they are also learning about the love of God, the truth of His promises, and the difference His presence makes every day.

Thanks to generous UCSS friends, our girls are accommodated, but our boys are still doing the best they can with what they have. They would rather sleep on the crowded floor where the Spirit of God lives, than face the chance of not being able to return to school.

A campaign to build the boys’ dorm has begun, and to those who have given it a jumpstart, we can’t thank you enough.

There’s still much to be done, so I thought by sharing the video at the top of the email (please scroll up to view) and letting you hear from the boys themselves, would help you see the importance of this endeavor.

Thank you for being here! Share the news of God’s great work in Uganda with your friends and bring others along with us. Dr. Ronald is making plans now for his October visit. Let’s continue this transformation together, one student at a time.

Serving with You,


Mme. Ronah Kuteesa Kaluya, Co-founder:

Uganda Counseling & Support Services

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