
Thanksgiving Every Day
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Thanksgiving Every Day

Dear Friends

My heart is full as I write this Thanksgiving message to you, but how can I convey to you the gratefulness that fills my heart? How can I make you know the depth of the appreciation that I have every day?

I say it, yet words alone do not seem enough. So, I will thank you with my life, and with a thankful heart I will return to the families in the villages of Bulike and Buluya, and I will give them the message of life that you enable me to carry.

I will send pictures of the children who are spared from early death because of you. I will send pictures of happy faces drinking from fresh water wells that you have dug. I will send videos of men and women who have found hope who would, otherwise, be living an aimless, fear-filled existence with only uncertainty and death for a future. I will share testimonies of the sick who would have died from a simple infection without your help, but who are now alive, praising the one true God because of you. I will send videos of the hundreds who were bound by the chains of darkness and deception but are now lifting holy hands and singing praise to the only one who can set men free.

You see, my friends, it is YOU that make this possible, for without YOU, there would be no UCSS. Every time I say “thank you”, it is for this reason. For the families in Bulike and Buluya, everyday is Thanksgiving now because of you and your prayerful, God-ordained support and friendship. As you gather with your families today, may your heart be full knowing that you are enabling others to know the unconditional love of Jesus Christ – and it is changing Uganda, one village at a time. We are family.

Your friend and brother in Christ,


Dr. Ronald Kaluya

Founder/Executive Director: Uganda Counseling and Support Services